The Christian Counseling Center
Counseling from the Christian perspective

Anxiety and Depression Counseling
Anxiety and depression are characterized by persistent feelings of dread, worry, and even fear. When left untreated, anxiety and depression may have serious health consequences, potentially resulting in the development of heart disease and gastrointestinal issues, to name a few.
Anxiety is a normal emotional response and may in fact be helpful in certain situations! It is a feeling of worry, unease, or concern about something with an uncertain resolve. However, when anxiety becomes excessive, irrational, and interferes with daily life, it then translates into a counseling issue.
Depression is prevalent in American mental health. Depression is a persistent, crippling condition that impacts every aspect of life. Often misunderstood, depression is NOT periodically having a ‘bad day’; rather, depression is experienced over a long period of time. Isolation and lack of enjoyment are some tell-tale signs of depression.
Anxiety and Depression Counseling are proven and effective ways to manage symptoms and improve well-being. Through counseling, clients may learn coping strategies to develop a better understanding of thoughts and emotions, while also learning tools to help navigate difficult situations which may result in heightened anxiety and all-consuming depression. Jesus said in Phil. 4:6, “Do not be anxious about anything. " Jesus does go on to state, “…but by prayer and supplication, bring all your anxieties to God….and the peace of God, which passes all our human understanding, will keep our hearts and our minds in Christ Jesus!"