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Client-Centered Counseling

Client-centered Counseling is a type of counseling that emphasizes the client over the counseling. It empowers the client to take control of their mental health and well-being without judgment and helps improve the client's self-awareness. An open and trusting relationship between client and counselor is key to Client-centered Counseling


With Client-centered Counseling, the counselor provides a safe, confidential, understanding, and non-judgmental space for the client to explore challenges and/or issues that may be limiting the client to achieve their full potential for an abundant life. God gives us life, but it is His desire that we choose to have an abundant life! We have three choices in how we choose to live the life that He gives:  exist (Eeyore), live (status quo), or abundant life found in and through God’s plan.  Through counseling, the client experiences empathetic understanding and feels fully heard and understood, part of the abundant life of God’s plan.

There are many benefits associated with Client-centered Counseling including:


  • Healthier communication skills

  • Improved self-concept (the way you see yourself)

  • Greater trust in oneself and one’s own abilities

  • Healthier relationships based on an improved view and understanding of oneself

  • Improved self-awareness

  • Improved ability to express opinions and feelings

  • Improved ability to strive for healthy changes


As with any field of counseling, Client-centered Counseling offers no ‘quick fix’.  The amount of time needed to work through areas of concern is as varied and individual as each unique client and situation. Genesis 1:27 tells us that we are individually created in the image of God: male and female,   He created them. While we are created in His image, we are not without sin! Therefore, counseling is one mechanism God has given us to improve our well-being.

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