The Christian Counseling Center
Counseling from the Christian perspective

Christian Relationship Counseling
All types of relationships require work! Jesus says in Matthew 18:19-20, “Where two or three are gathered in My Name, there I am also.” This is often misstated as congregation/community building verbiage; however, what Jesus intends here in Koine Greek, is that when there’s more than one person, there WILL BE disagreement, misunderstanding, hurt feelings, etc. But with Jesus by our side, we will prevail and our relationships can thrive!
Relationships always require good communication skills, trust (at least some degree), and some emotional vulnerability. Whether the relationship is centered in the work environment, church community, familial group, or intimate connection, conflicts and problems arise. Seeking counseling prior to permanent damage to the relationship is certainly a better choice! Contact The Christian Counseling Center to learn how we may help discern God’s will in your relationship!